The film tells the story of Fadel and Najeeba. They live in a Palestinian village. Their relationship is exceptional. Fadel has a so-called mental illness and Najeeba sees the reality her own way, not as a response to her brother’s case but because she sees life and things in a simple way - which leads to people in the village making fun of them.
Director: Bilal Alkhatib
Main Cast: Ramzi Maqdsi, Fida Zidan
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Country: Palestine
Duration: 19 min

من مواليد بلعين ويسكن في رام الله. مصور سينمائي ، درس الاعلام والتلفزة في جامعه القدس بدأ العمل في مجال السينما والتلفزيون كمصور ومديرإضاءة وبعد ذلك بدا العمل في مجال الاخراج بعد الحصول على مجموعة دورات متخصصة في السينما ، قام باخراج فيلمه القصير الاول (بلياردو، قصة قصيرة) عام ٢٠١٦.

Bilal Alkhatib was born in Bili’n and lives in Ramallah. He holds a BA in Media and TV from Al Quds University. Since his graduation, Bilal has been working as a director of photography and a studio technician. Later, he discovered his passion to filmmaking and worked on several productions as a DOP, gaffer, focus puller, and lighting manager. These experiences encouraged himl to be a filmmaker himself. He directed his first film Billiardo, Short Story in 2016.
2018 Another Point of View / 2016 Billiardo, Short Story