Palestinian Sunbird Documentary Competition
The name of Georges Abdallah regularly appears in demonstrations, press articles or in letters from parliamentarians to the Ministry of Justice. But who is he really? Why has a Lebanese communist of Christian origin been imprisoned in France for more than 35 years? Why is he considered by the Palestinians as one of their own? In many ways, the story of Georges Abdallah is both the story of an era and the story of an Arab left that is as rich as it is unknown. Fedayin, Georges Abdallah's Fight traces the journey of a tireless Arab communist and fighter for Palestine. From the Palestinian refugee camps that forged his conscience, to the international mobilization for his release, we discover the man who became one of the oldest political prisoners in Europe.
Arabic, English and French with Arabic subtitles
81 minutes
Producer/s: Collectif Vacarme(s) Films

Vacarme(s) Films is a documentary film-making collective with a political commitment to the fight against all forms of domination. The main ambition of the collective is to make these films serve as tools and supports fo reflection, debate and collective organization