Bisan Abu Roqti Mousa
Sama Aweidah
Watan Adnan Sabbah
Wafa' Abdel Rahman
Lina Abdel-Hadi
Gender-Based Violence in Palestine
11:00 - 12:30
A thematic focus and panel debate on gender-based violence in Palestine, and the role of organizations in raising the debate surrounding this topic across cultures in the absence of effective legislations.
Panelists: Bisan Mousa (UNWomen) , Sama A’wida (Women's Studies Center) Watan Sabbah (Muntada - The Arab Forum for Sexuality, Education and Health) and Lina Abdilhadee (Legal Advisor - Nablus Governorate and Head of the Legal Department), Moderated by Wafa Abdel Rahman (Filastinyat founder and director)