Tonje Hessen Schei
Palestine, USA
96’ | 2023
English, Hebrew, and Arabic with Arabic subtitles
A political thriller that reveals the power and influence of U.S. fundamentalist Evangelicals as they aim to fulfill the Armageddon prophecy.
Director of Photography: Michael Rowley
Editor: Torkel Gjørv, NFK, Matti Näränen, FCE
Sound: Sølve Huse-Amundsen
Music: Lukas Berkemar, Uno Helmersson
Ct: Michael Cavanagh
Producers: Christian Aune Falch, Torstein Parelius, Ingrid Aune Falch
Co-producers: Ove Rishøj Jensen, Hans Robert Eisenhauer, Kaarle Aho
Executive producers: Hussain Currimbhoy, Sue Turley, Jan Rofekamp

Tje is an award-winning documentary director who has worked with independent documentaries since 1996. Her films mostly take on international issues that question systems of power that shape our world.
Besides Praying for Armageddon, Tonje is the director of iHUMAN, a political thriller from the inside of the AI revolution, which won Best Norwegian Documentary at HUMAN International Documentary Film Festival, 2020 and was qualified for the Oscar run in 2020. Tonje directed Drone, a documentary on the secret CIA drone warfare. Drone received the award as Most Valuable Documentary of the Year at Cinema for Peace in Berlin. Drone won the Amanda award, The Norwegian Oscar equivalent, and Gullruten, the Norwegian Emmy, for Best Documentary 2015.