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Railway Men

Railway Men
Railway Men


A road movie that draws the portrait of Tunisian railwaymen and women. On track, driving the old locomotive, the protagonists of RAILWAY MEN defend their own choices despite the risks. By denouncing incompetence and corruption, this film celebrates dignity, hope and resilience.

Director: Erige Sehiri
Producers: Palmyre Badinier (Akka Films), Dora Bouchoucha (Nomadis Images)
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Countries: Tunisia, Qatar, Switzerland, France
Duration: 72 min

Erige Sehiri
Erige Sehiri

Erige Sehiri is a film director and producer. In 2012, she directs ”My Father’s Facebook”. Since 2013, she dedicated herself to filming the Tunisian railways and made her first feature film “La Voie Normale”.