Sara is a young artist who is suffering from her gray surroundings. She is always trying to escape her reality by creating imaginary characters and a dreamy world she believes she belongs to. Sara tries to see a hidden dimension in every detail she passes by, creating a story that is more interesting to her than what is real.
Director & Producer: Maysoon Khaled Hbaidi
Language: Arabic with English subtitles
Country: Jordan
Duration: 5 min

میسون خالد هي صانعة افلام اردنیة - فلسطینیة، من موالید ١٩٩١ . بدأت مسیرتها في المجال الفني بعد ورشة صناعة افلام عقدت عام ٢٠١١ في مخیم الطالبیة حیث تسكن. میسون مهتمة بإنتاج الأفلام الوثائقیة التجریبیة. سارا هو أول فیلم وثائقي قصیر قامت بتصویره، انتاجه واخراجه

Maysoon Khaled is a young Jordanian-Palestinian filmmaker, born in 1991. She started her career after participating in a filmmaking workshop held in 2011 in Talibia camp. She is interested in creating experimental documentaries. Sara is her first short documentary, which she shot, produced and directed.