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The film tells the story of Omar, a young man who always experiences doors being shut in his face in the middle of the road. With the help of others, he sets out on a journey to discover what is waiting for them behind the door.

Yousef Jamil Salhi

Born in 1992, Yousef studied Audiovisual Media at Al-Quds University. He established an initiative called We Have A Cinema Now in Jerusalem in 2014 to produce his short films. Within this initiative, Yousef also hosts training workshops about making short films, including My First Film Project and Short Stop-Motion Films. Additionally, Yousef works with community-based organizations to produce short documentaries.

Hamdi Samir Al Salibi

Hamdi Samir Al Salibi was born in Hebron in 1995. He graduated from Al-Quds University in communication and film studies, then started out as a young filmmaker in the group Production 200-7. He has worked on various experimental films.

2017 Door

Darin Sallam

Jordanian director Darin Sallam holds a BA in graphic design and a Master of Fine Arts from the Red Sea Institute for Cinematic Arts (RSICA). To her credit are four award-winning short films including Still Alive and The Dark Outside.

Amir Fakhreddin

Amir Fakhreddin is a director and scriptwriter. He was born in 1991 in Kiev, Ukraine to Syrian parents from the occupied Golan Heights, the place where he grew up.

2017 Voicemail / 2015 Between Two Deaths / 2012 Thanatos Gaze


Memory of A Fish

Sami always tries to remember things, but his memory does not always help. However, he doesn’t really care about solving this problem, he deals with it as if it were something normal - unlike his sister Yara who always makes fun of him. Their mother puts an end to this and presents Sami with solutions. Nonetheless, these solutions are often temporal, not permanent. How will Sami deal with that?

Razan AlSalah

Razan AlSalah is a Lebanese-Palestinian media artist living and working between Philadelphia and New York. Her work has been shown in exhibitions and festivals around the US and the Arab world, and is part of the permanent collections of the Sursock Museum in Beirut and the Palestine Film Collection in Paris.

2017 Your father was born a 100 years old, and so was the Nakba