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Press Release

Palestine Cinema Days 2022 Palestinians Resist Through Cinema

The 9th annual Palestine Cinema Days will kick off this week, on Tuesday, November 1, with the Palestinian film nominated to the 2023 Oscars, “Mediterranean Fever” by Maha Haj, from Nazareth. This year, Palestine Cinema Days will screen 58 films bringing together cinema lovers in seven cities:…

Palestine Cinema Days 2021 Reviving Film in Palestine

The eighth edition of the annual Palestine Cinema Days will kick off this week on November 3rd with a screening of (Palestine’s entry to the Oscars 2022) nominated Palestinian film, the “The Stranger” (Al-Gharib), by filmmaker Ameer Fakher Eldin from the Occupied Syrian Golan Heights. This year,…

Palestine Cinema Days 2018 Palestinians Resist Through Film

This year’s Palestine Cinema Days is focused on promoting Palestinian films and stories in the face of increasing pressure on Palestine and its people wherever they may be.  From the US moving its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, to the cutting of funds to UNRWA, Palestinians have…

Press Release: Palestine Cinema Days Announces the Sunbird Award Jury Members

        Ramallah – The festival Palestine Cinema Days, organised by Filmlab: Palestine, is pleased to announce the members of the three Sunbird Award juries.

Press Release: For the first time since its launch, Palestine Cinema Days hosts the French Corner

For the first time since its launch, Palestine Cinema Days hosts the French Corner Ramallah – Filmlab Palestine, which organises the largest international cinematic event in Palestine, Palestine Cinema Days (previously known as Days of Cinema), is preparing for its fifth edition taking place next…

Days of Cinema 2017: Filmlab: Palestine Launches Industry Platform

Ramallah-based Filmlab: Palestine will launch Palestine Film Meetings (PFM), a cutting-edge industry networking platform for local and internation

Days of Cinema 2017: Reviving Film in Palestine

This year Days of Cinema, will be screening 65 international and Palestinian fiction, documentary, short and kids’ films between October 17-23 in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Bethlehem, Nablus and Gaza. A record number of four Oscars-nominated films will be shown: Palestinian director Annemarie Jacir’s…

Days of Cinema 2016: Nation-Wide Film Festival Challenges Occupation to Bring International Cinema to Palestine

Despite obstacles and movement restrictions Flimlab: Palestine open the Days of Cinema festival at the Ramallah Cultural Palace on Saturday, October 15 at 7 pm.