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Open Discussion - Call For Action: No Future Without Memory

Open Discussion - Call For Action: No Future Without Memory
17:00 - 18:00, A.M. Qattan, Ramallah
With Monica Maurer (Documentary Film Director- AAMOD Archive)
Screening of the short film "Yom Al Ard" by Monica Maurer, composed of rare footage shot in March 1981 in the Galilee (Nazareth, Deir Hanna and Sakhnin) followed by a public call for action and an open discussion led by Monica Maurer.

PFM Panel | Insider Look at Film Development (Labs, Residencies and Industry Meetings)

PFM Panel | Insider Look at Film Development (Labs, Residencies and Industry Meetings)
11:00 - 12:30, Dar Jacir, Bethlehem.

With Jeniffer Kushner (Film Independent - Director of Artist Development), Cherien Dabis (Director, Producer, Actress), Darine Hotait (Writer and filmmaker, founder of Cinephilia), Reem Bader (The Jordan Film Fund (JFF) Manager, Rawi Screenwriters' Labs’ Consultant/ Artist) Moderated by Ryah Aqel (Filmmaker and Cultural Producer).


RAMALLAH DOC Pitching Session 2019

RAMALLAH DOC Pitching Session 2019
09:00 -17:00 A.M. Qattan Foundation  
Ramallah Doc stands as a platform for Palestinian documentary filmmakers to develop new ideas and pitch them to a forum of international film producers, TV representatives, commissioning editors, and various film foundations. Every year, the jury of Ramallah Doc selects up to 15 projects to participate in the pitching session.

Jannik Hastrup

Jannik Hastrup is considered Denmark’s grand master of animation. He produced and directed some 60 animated short films, among them the Danish classics BENNY’S BATHTUB (1970), CIRCLEEN (1967-71), SAMSON & SALLY (1984), and the Cannes Junior winner WAR OF THE BIRDS (1990) became international festival hits, selling worldwide. While his films appeal to all ages, the biographical HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN AND THE LONG SHADOW (1997) was his first film designated for a mature audience. THE BOY WHO WANTED TO BE A BEAR (2003) was an international success which won numerous prizes.

Amer Albarzawi

Amer Albarzawi (born in 1987 to Syrian parents), grew up in Damascus. He has always been passionate about music, theatre and cinema and, after studying economics at the University of Damascus, he joined a theatre dance group. He has worked with several theatre groups and participated in many Arab and international dance festivals.He directed the stop motion film, FADE TO BLACK, which received the Special Jury Award from the Toronto Urban Film Festival. His stop motion film, YAMAN, was awarded Best Short Film Award at Dhaka International Film Festival.