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A.M. Qattan Foundation

Open Discussion - Call For Action: No Future Without Memory

Open Discussion - Call For Action: No Future Without Memory
17:00 - 18:00, A.M. Qattan, Ramallah
With Monica Maurer (Documentary Film Director- AAMOD Archive)
Screening of the short film "Yom Al Ard" by Monica Maurer, composed of rare footage shot in March 1981 in the Galilee (Nazareth, Deir Hanna and Sakhnin) followed by a public call for action and an open discussion led by Monica Maurer.

RAMALLAH DOC Pitching Session 2019

RAMALLAH DOC Pitching Session 2019
09:00 -17:00 A.M. Qattan Foundation  
Ramallah Doc stands as a platform for Palestinian documentary filmmakers to develop new ideas and pitch them to a forum of international film producers, TV representatives, commissioning editors, and various film foundations. Every year, the jury of Ramallah Doc selects up to 15 projects to participate in the pitching session.

PFM Study Case | Here’s What Really Happened (HWRH) with International Documentary Association (IDA)

PFM Study Case |  Here’s What Really Happened with International Documentary Association (IDA) - Closed for Media
15:00 -18:30 A.M. Qattan Foundation

I. 15:00 - 16:30
Screening of The Feeling of Being Watched by Assia Boundaoui, USA, 2019 (86 min).

II. 17:00 - 18:30 Closed Session Here’s What Really Happened
International Documentary Association (IDA), curated and moderated by Program Manager Ranell Shubert with Jessica Devaney (Producer - Multitude Film / Director) and Assia Boundaoui (Film producer/director).

PFM Talk | Sales and Distribution

PFM Talk | Sales and Distribution
14:00 - 15:00 A.M Qattan Foundation.
With AnnA Berthollet (Producer at Sweet Docs Spot), Catherine Leclef (Documentary Sales Agent at Cat Docs), Youssef Shazli (Director of Zawya: Cinema and Distribution), Pierre Menahem (Producer and Sales Agent: Still Moving!), Muhammad Al-Farini ( Director at Hakka Distribution) and Tania Al Khoury (Producer). Moderated by Patrizia Roletti (Festival Director / Production management)

PFM Talk | The Economy of Palestinian Film Industry

I. 11:00 - 11:30 Presentation of Sulotions study findings: The Economy of Palestinian Film Industry
With Hadeel Hussein (Economic Development and Management Consulting Manager at Solutions.)

II. 11:30 - 11:45 Strengthening the Palestinian Film Industry; UNESCO project proposal.
With Junaid Sorosh-Wali (Officer-in-Charge, Head of Office, at UNESCO National Office for Palestine)